Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vedic Indian view on charity

The following bit of information is from the book Beyond Business.I found it interesting and thought I must share it here:
The Vedic view holds that Charity is of three types:
  • Satvik:Giving without expectation.
  • Rajsik:Giving with expectation.
  • Tamsik:Giving with reluctance or with compulsion.
Charity is defined to be of three grades:
  • Uttam:Gift of spiritual knowledge is the highest form of charity. It pleases the soul.This is why people eagerly donate for relegious places. By this, they indirectly gift spiritual knowledge. i believe that one who has the spiritual knowledge only can gift it. For this, one needs to have a spiritual quest. Hence, Buddhas and our seers are the best donors.
  • Madhyam:Gift of secular knowledge.It is for mind.People who setup charitable educational institutions and give scholarships come under this category.i believe, one who is having the secular knowledge only can gift it.Therefore, our teachers and public intellectuals who transfer their knowledge without expecting any rewards are these kinds of donors.
  • Nyuntam:Gift of physical needs.It is for body.Donation for needs of the body like food,clothes and housing etc form the third kind of charity.
Giving to a कुपात्र (one who is not suitable) is a sin and Taittiya upanishad says that its better not to give rather than help without showing due respect to the object of charity.

There are 3 types of debts on a person:
ऋषि ऋण ,देव ऋण , पित्र ऋण i.e. debt to the sages, debt to the Gods and debt to the parents and ancesstors. These debts can be discharged through पञ्च-महायग्न : Sacrifices to living beings, Man, Ancestors,Gods and Brahma(knowledge) and through दान (donation)

There are 5 motives for giving:
धर्मात :ethical obligation
अर्थात :for economic reasons
भयात :because of fear
कामात् :for motive of fulfillment of desires
करुण्यात :compassion